Notes On The Book Of James Chapter #5

Vs 1-6 – James refers to the “rich” as a class of people. The Apostle James, writes to encourage and strengthen poor and oppressed Christians.  James writes regarding the wicked manner in which many have obtained and used their riches.

In about 4 years from the time James writes this Letter, Jerusalem would be destroyed.

Vs 1 (the miseries that would come upon them). These Jewish Christians had wealth and were more concerned about pleasures. They lived in pleasure, they were selfish.

Vs 5 and wonton =  they indulged all their sinful and sensual appetites to the uttermost;  and their lives were scandalous.

Vs 5 – “…as in a day of slaughter.”  They lived only to eat and drink, and to enjoy life.

They were preparing for slaughter just as cattle are prepared to be killed by being fed in the stall (they are fattened before their slaughter).

These people had put themselves and the pleasures of this world before serving the Lord.  They spent their money on life’s pleasures over and above the work of the Lord, and soon, they would loose all they had.

It would have been better to serve the Lord with their lives and money instead of being selfish.

Vs 7 – Be patient = don’t rush the Second Coming of Christ.

“husbandman” = the farmer, tiller of the soil; patiently waits for the harvest. You can’t rush the harvest; it comes in its own time just as Christ comes back on His own timetable.

Here, it refers to the harvest of souls. Sow the seed and have patience, waiting for the harvest.

Early & latter rain = The early rain fell at sowing time, about November or December; the latter rain, about March or April, to mature the grain for harvest. The latter rain that shall precede the coming spiritual harvest.

Vs 8 – “stablish your hearts” = Take courage; do not sink under your trials.   Just as the farmer expects the rain for relief from heat; draught etc. Rain to grow the crops; the Christian can expect relief from our trials in due time.

Vs 9 – “grudge not” = murmur; groan; complain. We reap what we sow, so if you murmur, gripe, hold grudges etc. it will come back to you and we answer to the Lord for it.

Vs 10 – Matthew 5:12 – James encourages the Christians to have patience, especially while going through sufferings, troubles and attacks.  Prophets of old were persecuted, yet, they were faithful unto the Lord.

They were an example to us: in patience;  and how to handle and get through such troubles.

Vs 11 – Ye heard of Job: Job 1:21-22; Job 2:10; Job 42:10;  Matthew 5:10-11

Example of Job: he was stripped of all his worldly possessions:

In one stroke, he lost all of his children;

He was tortured in body, given sores & disease;

He was tempted by the devil, harassed by his wife.

Job was falsely accused of sin by his friends.

Through it all, Job held fast his integrity, was faithful to the Lord and did not blame God for his troubles.

Vs 12-  The Jews, in this time, split hairs in their use of profanity.   They believed that by avoiding using God’s name in vain, they were not really guilty of  the sin of swearing.

The Jews would swear, not by using God’s name in vain, but by using God’s creation.

Some would use profane words but not believing them to be swearing because they were not using God’s name in vain.

Some would swear an oath and the Apostle forbids that also. James is teaching that swearing is swearing and is not for the Christian.

Vs 13 –  “afflicted” = going through a hardship; suffering or having troubles.; pray “merry” = of good cheer or happy; sing Psalms

Vs 14 – “elders” = pastors.

Here is an Rx for sickness; call the pastor to come over.

The pastor(s) are to pray over you; anoint you with oil.

Remember, James writes to Jews who became Christians.     He uses a Jewish maxim of the Rabbi’s.   What should a man do who goes to visit the sick?  The answer is:  He who studies to restore the health of the body, should first lay the foundation in the health of the soul. The wise men have said, “No healing is equal to that which comes     from the word of God and prayer”.

“anoint with oil” =  Mark 6:13. The use of olive oil was one of the best remedies known to the ancients; they used it internally and externally.  Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit; prayer is the key.

Vs 15 – “The prayer of faith” =  this is an exercise of confidence in God.

“save the sick” = save  = deliver, protect, heal, preserve, do well, make whole.  There is no implication that by going through this exercise, that the sick person will certainly recover; but there is to be unwavering confidence in God, a belief that he will do what is best, and a cheerful committing of the situation into his hands.

Sins and their forgiveness =  sometimes a persons sin will bring them to be sick. Sin can cause high blood pressure; ulcers; and a host of other illness. For one to have the weight of their sin lifted off them can help restore them to health.

Vs 16 – Confession of sins is a humbling experience to the soul.         Sometimes is could be a sin against another church member = a grudge, jealousy, hatred, gossip, bad attitude, etc.

Confession is for his comfort, and the encouragement of others to do likewise.

Hebrews 12:1-2 =  getting rid of your sin will allow the Lord to “lift” the weight of your sin off you. That weight holds you back; hinders your forward progress as a Christian.

“effectual fervent” = the prayer that will be effective and has power and is mighty, is the prayer that God will use to do mighty things.

Vs 17 – He was excitable or irritable. He was capable of suffering the same things, or being affected in the same manner. In other words, he was a mere man, subject to the same weaknesses and infirmities as other men.

Vs 18 – Elijah believed what he prayed and then he let God do His perfect work.  It was God that held back the rain and then it was God who brought the rain and then the fruit of the harvest. Elijah was the tool God used as Elijah prayed and believed in the power of God.

Vs 19-20 – the conversion refers to a Christian (if any of you) who sins; and you bring him back or restore him to follow the Lord again.  When a Christian turns back to the Lord, his sins are hidden as he does them no more.  That person comes back from death = a spiritual death.

Unsaved people are dead in trespasses and sins. When we are saved, those sins are now forgiven us and they are washed away by the blood of Jesus.  When the saved goes back and live in sin, their spiritual life is one of death as they have Chosen to live against God. Their spiritual life suffers; they are not useful to God, as a servant, while they are in that state of sin. They do not have God’s power in their life.

The one who restores the person from sin does a great work.  Galatians 6:1-3


Vs 1 – Where do wars come from?  Where does inner fighting come from? These can be fights within your own soul; mind or spirit etc. as well as fight among Christians.

           The answer: many want their own way or have an agenda and are not spiritual. James tells them that the origin of their wars & fights was not a true zeal for God, but it was their prevailing lusts that was the cause of it all.

           In other words, they were the cause & source of their own problems. Their problems come from their own fighting’s = controversy.

Vs 2-3 – Because of their spiritual drought, they don’t get God’s blessings and they have unanswered prayers.

Vs 3 – “consume it ….. “ their strife, lust & selfishness are hindering their prayers from being answered. Proverbs 1:28-31;  I John 3:22 & 5:14

Vs 4 – “adulterers and adulteresses’ = The Jews are represented as being espoused to God because of their covenant with Him.

           James reminds them that if they are friends of the world (they ways of ungodliness), they fall into sin and place the things of the world in pre-eminence over God. This becomes spiritual adultery.

           God’s Word  teaches that the “things” of the world are gained by lust of the flesh, eyes and pride of life. To follow worldly lusts  over and above the “things’ of the Lord = spiritual adultery. Saved and baptized believers are in the “Bride of Christ” and all unfaithful followers of Christ are like an unfaithful bride.

           “friendship of the world” =  the prince of this world (satan) is opposed to Christ and the spirit of the world is also opposed. One cannot love the ways of the world and love God also. “Ye cannot serve God and mammon” Matthew 6:24.

Vs 5 – “in vain’ = do you really think that the Scriptures have no purpose? Do you really believe that the Bible teaches that God’s spirit, that dwells in the Christian, tries to get us to go against God’s Word and God’s will?

Vs 6 – “he giveth more grace” = he  enables us to overcome our love of the world.

           The same God who causes His spirit to dwell in believers, Jas 4:5, and the Spirit that speaks in Scripture:                                      resists the proud = opposes the proud = haughty, those who place themselves above others. If one will   place themselves above others, they soon lifts himself against God.

           “Pride” is the mother of envy.

           II Peter 3:18 “But grow in grace …” We are by nature selfish and envious; but grace will enable us to conquer our inbred sins, if we humbly admit to them, and ask God for help to overcome them.

           “giveth grace” = God is a giving God         

Vs 7 – “submit yourselves” = to obey; be in subjection to God.

           “resist” = to take a stand against; oppose the devil and his devices.  The devil cannot conquer you if you continue to resist. You resist the devil  by refusing to do wrong.

           “flee” = run away; escape; vanish

           In short, we must endeavor to come near to God by purity and sincerity of life. As we continue to resist the temptations, snares and traps of the devil, God’s Holy Spirit that lives in the Christian, will come to our aide, our assistance and fight for us.

Vs 8 – “Draw nigh” = to approach, come near, to be at hand.

           If we do this, God will “draw nigh to you.” = as we come near to God, He will be closer to us.  He is always where he is, as we approach Him, He then is now closer to us than when we began our approach.

           This also has the connotation: God will  sustain, comfort, and provide for you As you get close to Him.

           “Cleanse your hands” = Washing or cleansing the hands was a token of innocence and purity.

           Just as washing our hands of the outward dirt that is on them, cleansing or purifying our hearts cleans us from the inward dirt or sins that we harbor in our lives. Washing the hands was a term used in a ritual sense. Psalms 18:20; 24:4; 26:6; 73:13

           “double minded” = the one who is constantly changing their mind; the one who is trying to decide to serve God or self . They struggle to either serve God or serve the vices and “things” of this world; James 1:8. Their heart is not settled on what to do regarding serving the Lord.


James Chapter # 3

Vs 1 – Word “master” = instructor or teacher. 

Many of the Jewish Christians were attempting to teach what they did not clearly understand; there was a call for wise teachers. Teachers are necessary, but incompetent and unworthy ones do a lot of harm.

I Corinthians 12:28 & 14:26.

Vs 2 – “stumble” = to fall. We all offend in many things:

Psalms 32:9. “perfect” = a man of character. Be careful what and how we teach;

Ephesians 4:15 James teaches that the man who bridles his tongue does not stumble in speech and is able also to control his whole body with all its passions..

Vs 3 – Bits are put in the mouths of the horses so we can turn about their whole body. This is to illustrate how man turns about his whole body with the little tongue. ” The body of the horse follows his mouth, guided by the bridle, in a similar way, mans body will follow his tongue. The same applies to the pen, so be careful what we write.

Vs 4 – Ships are big but the small rudder can turn it around. The ship follows the rudder, the body follows the tongue, the horse follows the bit in his mouth. “Governor” refers to the wheel which steers the ship with a pilot moving the wheel

Listeth” = intends or will and it can be of impulse.

Vs 5 – A small tongue can speak or boast (talk big, be egotistical,) and can cause harm. Illustration: in the same way a small fire can destroy a great forest.

Vs 6 – This is a metaphor that likens a tongue to a fire:

Proverbs 16:27 & Proverbs 26:18-22 “world of iniquity” = it is big enough to be unjust, unrighteousness, wrong; a little world of evil in itself. “setteth on fire” = habitually and continually; it ignites.

While a man inflames others, he passes out of his own power, being consumed in the flame himself.

Matthew 15:11 & 18-20. An unruly tongue is worse than the fire of hell which torments only the wicked; but this afflicts all, both bad and good.

Vs 7 – Man has tamed wild animals, birds etc.

Vs 8 – “unruly evil” = an evil that cannot be restrained; “full of deadly poison’ Often charged with malice, envy, anger, slander, etc. Romans 3:13; Psalms 140:3 Vs 9 – A small tongue can thank God, praise God, and yet, curse men that are made in the image of God.

Vs 10 – You can use your mouth to bless or curse; to say nice things or things that can cause harm, danger and ruin.

Vs 11 – Grace can make the same mouth that “sent forth the bitter” to “send forth the sweet” just as the wood (typical of Christ’s cross) changed Marah’s bitter water into sweet.

Vs 12 – The same metaphor is found in Matthew 7:16.

Four distinct comparisons here: 1. A fountain cannot produce sweet water and bitter. 2. A fig tree cannot produce olive berries. 3. A vine cannot produce figs. 4. Salt water cannot be made sweet (some commentators referred to the bitter water as salt water.

Vs 12 –The same metaphor is found in Matthew 7:16.

            Four distinct comparisons here:

            1. A fountain cannot produce sweet water and bitter. 

            2. A fig tree cannot produce olive berries. 

            3. A vine cannot produce figs. 

            4. Salt water cannot be made sweet

Vs 13 –Wiseman – reference to James 3:1 a master of the Word of God. One who cannot bridle or tame other men’s tongues but can restrain his own tongue as he teaches the Word of God.

            “endued with knowledge” = qualified to teach others

Vs 13-18 – These verses show the difference between mans “pretending” to be wise and those who actually have wisdom.

Vs 14 –“and lie not” = don’t live contrary to the Truth you teach.

            “envy and strife” = when envy is the heart, strife soon comes out of the tongue. Envy is the mother of strife

            “glory not” = boasting arrogance, which shows that they lack wisdom

Vs 15 – this is a counterfit wisdom.  All true wisdom comes from God – James 1:5 & 17

            “earthly” wisdom is “sensual” = it is animal – like or of the passions of animals

            “devilish” = inspired by the devil (satan), demons and maintained by their influences.

Vs 16 – This verse is a GOOD commentary on verses 14-15

             Titus 3:9 – The Jews were an intolerant people. They would argue and strain at a knat over the things in

             the Law.

             “envying” = the envious man stands in his own light. He thinks his candle cannot shine in the presence of

              another’s shining light.

             “envy, strife, confusion & every evil work” = everything is unsettled & agitated.  There is no organized plan &

             effort, no cooperation nor stability in any plan & purpose = defeat

Vs 17 – God’s wisdom is pure = Holy &clean

             God’s wisdom is peace and gentle = living in peace with others

             “gentle” = appropriate, moderate

             “easy to be entreated’ = not stubborn or obstinate

             “full of mercy” = ready to forgive

             “good fruits’ = God’s wisdom produces what is good, wholesome, productive

             “without partiality” = without making a difference or being partial to others never swayed by self interest,

              worldly honor or the fear of man.

             “ without hypocrisy” = not pretending to be something you are not.

Vs 18 – Matthew 5:9 – Proverbs 11:18 – Philippians 1:11


James Chapter #2

Vs 1 – Don’t be partial to certain people EXAMPLE: Only try to get people in church whoa re wealthy or of a certain class. Don’t ignore the poor or the down and out. The Pharisee and Publican are an example of this. Also the Good Samaritan – Luke 10:25 & 30-37

Vs 2 – 4 In a nutshell; don’t turn away the poor and downtrodden. Everyone has a soul and Christ died for all and all need the Saviour.

Vs 5 – For the poor (according to society’s standards), are RICH in their faith. I Timothy 6:17 = their riches consist in faith in God. Luke 12:21 Often, the people with the least material goods tend to have more faith in God and His Word.

Vs 6 – James is dealing with the relationship of some of his congregation, with those who are poor according to societies standards. “despised” = treated shamefully; dishonoring them “rich” = the upper class of people “oppress” = they often use their power against you “before the judgment seats” = they take you to court with lawsuits. Not all rich do this, but generally speaking.

Vs 7 – “worthy Name” = Christ Their oppressors were mostly the very wealthy – they persecuted Christians and blasphemed the Name of Jesus. James is teaching: Why are some of you showing favoritism to those who despise you?

Vs 8 – Royal Law – Leviticus 19:18 and Jesus taught in Matthew 22:37-40 The Royal Law comes from the King of Kings and is given to us in Scriptures Vs 9 – To show a preference or a partiality, would break Gods Law Vs 10-11 –

Vs 8-9 begin with the word “if” meaning: James does not saw that this occurred, but “IF” it did occur, the one doing the wrong would be guilty of breaking Gods Law.

Vs 10 – It is easy to keep that part of Gods Word that is convenient to keep. The Rabbi’s taught that: “If God should be obeyed in any one instance, He should be obeyed in all.” Gods authority is the same in every case. The Rabbi’s also taught that: “Any one sin has the seeds of all others in it.”

Vs 12 – Obedience to Gods Word is to be out of our love for God. Gods Law of Liberty frees us from the curse of the Law so that we can be free to love and willingly obey.

Vs 13 – Those who show partiality and shows no mercy, will have no mercy shown to them. Matthew 5:7 The context is: showing partiality to the upper class over another class (poor). Rich & poor alike are sinners & in need of the Savior. It is not sweet to take revenge but to grant forgiveness.

Vs 14 – The Apostle Paul teaches: Romans 3:28 – Paul is referring to faith to be saved and not works to save our soul.

Justification is by grace – Romans 11:6

James teaches: Faith which does not bring forth works is not that faith  that justifies or saves us, but it is a false image of that faith.

Faith that saves us has a real value and is shown by our outward good works. They are evidence that we have been saved.

The justification that Paul speaks of, is different from that taught by James; the one speaks of our persons being justified before God, the other speaks of our faith being justified before men.

The verse states: “though a man may say he hath faith …”   It does not say: “if a man has faith.”

 “can faith save him?” – the faith a person pretends to have; the empty name of boasted faith, contrast  with true fruit-producing faith.

 A dead faith cannot bring life into a person who is dead in trespasses and sins. Can one corpse bring life into another dead corpse?

Vs 15 – 16 – if you tell a hungry person, a fellow Christian, “fill your belly” and give him nothing: this is not true faith, but truly a dead thing called with the name of faith.

The same is said about the person who needs clothes or a coat etc.

“Words” do not feed or clothe anyone.

“what does it profit?” = How does mere words help them; take away the hunger or the cold etc.

Vs 17 –  faith which hath not works is a mere dead, empty notion.

             James 2:26 –  If you don’t back up your faith by works, your faith is dead, being by itself “alone,”

The faith is dead = severed from works of charity; just as the body would be “dead” if it was severed from your spirit.

Vs 18 – “shew” = exhibit,

James teaches that if a Christian truly has a real saving faith, it will be exhibited in their Christian lives.   Apart from your works, exhibit to me your faith.

James says that he will exhibit or demonstrate his faith by the works or the fruit that his faith produces.

Some “pretend” to have faith. A pretended faith is not a real faith and therefore, it cannot  produce any evidence of that saving faith.

Vs 19 – James selects the great fundamental doctrine of all religion–the doctrine of the existence of one Supreme Being–and shows that it was held by devils, it could not save men.

Believing that there is one God, is the truth; but it will do you no good, any more than it does devils who believe the same, unless it leads you to be saved by faith.

Believing that there is just one supreme God requires no more faith than that of the devils. That kind of faith does not save them.

The devils have fear of God and they tremble before God. They know their eventual doom of torments and the Lake of Fire.

Vs 20 – Vain man = he reference by this language is to a man who held an opinion that could not be defended. The word vain used here, means properly empty, as opposed to full–as empty hands, having nothing in them. 

 Also, fruitless, or without utility or success; false.

Justifying faith produces good works; and if a man does not love to obey God and do good, he may conclude that he is not in a justified state.

Vs 21 – The reference is to Abraham. He backed up his faith in God by what he did in this extra ordinary act of obedience to God.

He took Isaac and was willing to trust in God to provide; Genesis 22:9-12

Abraham’s life was a demonstration of his faith.

Vs 22 – “faith made perfect” = accomplished; fulfilled.

Here is a proof that faith cannot exist without being active in works of righteousness.

This does not mean that the faith in itself was defective before this, but this act was a clear demonstration that Abraham not only believed, but acted upon that belief.

Vs 23 – Scripture was fulfilled = the fair and full meaning of the language of Scripture was expressed by this act, showing in the highest sense that his faith was genuine.

This act was a declaration of Abrahams faith.  “called the Friend of God’ = Honored as no other mortal had been

Vs 24 – Not by a cold, abstract, inoperative faith. It must be by a faith that shall produce good works, and whose existence will be shown to men by good works.

James is speaking about the “proof” of our faith, not the act of salvation. These are two separate acts.

Vs 25 – justification signifies, not only the pardon of sin, but receiving Gods salvation.  She obeyed God’s will.

Rahab believed what her countrymen did not believe.  She is an example of a lost, vile sinner, who believes in the Lord and backs it up by what they do.

If we are true Bible Christians, we should “walk the walk and talk the talk.”

Notes On The Book Of James Chapter #1

Chapter #1

Vs 1 – The 12 Tribes scattered abroad
James was pastor of the local church at Jerusalem.
It was largely made up of Christian Jews = Jewish converts to
Acts 2:5 – Jews from the 12 Tribes of Israel were saved
Acts 15 – Apostles & others gathered at the church  at Jerusalem, to discuss / debate a question of Bible           doctrine, vs 5

            James, the pastor, presided over this meeting in vs 13 etc. &  sums it up.
Scattered abroad = God allowed to be “moved” into other cities &  countries & areas –
Why? Ans: To get the Gospel into those other countries

Vs 2 – My brethren = brethren in Christ. These were Jews who became Christians.

A basic outline of the Book of James could be:

I. The Testing Of Faith
II. The Reality Of Faith Tested By The Tongue
III. The Rebuke Of Worldliness
IV. The Rich Are Warned
V. Christian Service In Relation To The 2nd Coming Of Christ

I. The Testing Of Faith
A. Vs 2 – Count it all joy = the highest degree of patience
1. Instead of murmuring over your troubles (trials) & temptations; rejoice over them
2. Why?
B. Vs 3 – Patience is one of the fruits of such a trial
1. The grace of patience is worth the trial
2. The patience you gain is worth the tribulation
3. Trials can be used to develop character. They can make us wiser and better
4. Here, proving has the sense of testing & patience implies a
cheerfulness, believing that God will work it out for His good
I Peter 1:7 – James 1:12 – Romans 5:3
C. Vs 4 – LET = out of necessity
1. Perfect = of full age
a. growth
b. mental and moral maturity
2. Entire = Complete in every part
1. Perfectly sound in Christian character
2. God uses afflictions as an instrument to polish & refine us;
perfecting us in Christ
D. Vs 5 – Wisdom signifies, in general:
1. knowledge
2. of the best ends and means of obtaining that wisdom
3. God is the only teacher of that wisdom of a practical knowledge of  God; of self & of the Saviour
4. upbraideth not = God won’t scold you
a. upbraideth = revile – Matthew 5:11
b. this term, expresses the longsuffering of God
c. an example of “upbraideth not” Luke 15:20-22
5. Liberally = God’s bountiful giving
E. Vs 6 – We are to ask in faith
1. nothing = not at all; without delay
2. wavering = hesitation; doubt; to stagger
3. faith = believing God is able = He can do it
a. without doubts
b. knowing that no man can believe too much in God
4. A wave of the sea has no stability
a. it is at the mercy of the wind (driven by the wind)
b. It can get tossed every which way & that gives unsettled
convictions & hopes
c. wavering = between belief & unbelief Mark 11:24
F. Vs 7 – “that man”    = the one whose mind is divided
1. such wavering is a self deceiver
2. “anything from the Lord” = the things he prays for, much less Gods wisdom
G. Vs 8 – Double minded
1. vacillating in opinion and purpose
2. on the one hand, he is directed towards god
3. on the other hand, his focus is on something else besides God
4. “unstable” – this describes a man who tries to worship God & yet, is in love with the ungodliness of this world.
Proverbs 3:5 & James 4:8 = a RX for this
H. Vs 9 – Low degree = Humble
1. the best remedy for double mindedness is to be humble
2. this also refers to being poor
3. one can be poor in goods or in spirit, but rejoice that God has
exalted them when they were saved. Luke 14:11
I.. Vs 10 – The rich, in worldly possessions, are made low spiritually, when they humble themselves as a sinner,  before   a holy & righteous God, receiving Him as Saviour.
1. His riches have no power to save
2. in his lost condition, his life is as uncertain as the grass of the field – Psalms 37:1-2
J. Vs 11 – In a nutshell, you can’t take it with you.
1. One day, the beauty of the flowers and grass will be gone.
2. In the same manner, all that we work for will be gone also.
3. “and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth:” = its beauty
4. The “rich” must humble himself as a lost sinner to be saved in the same way a poor man must humble himself as a lost sinner to be saved
K. Vs 12 – endure temptations = not the falling into sin that the
temptation brings, but the endurance & fortitude to persevere & not let the temptations win out.
1. Blessed – not only a blessing, but it also means “well off”
2. Tried – tested and approved
3. Crown of life – a reward from God, a symbol of honor
L. Vs 13 – God is not the author of sin, therefore, He cannot and will not try to get you to sin
1. to tempt unto sin, is contrary to the holiness of God
2. to temp us to sin is contrary to the holiness of God
3. God cannot be drawn into sin
4. God cannot & will not even allow Himself to be drawn into sin
5. with this, it is inferred: since God will not tempt us, let us never
tempt God
a. we tempt God when we ask for His protection when we do
something contrary to Gods Word
b. When one lives ungodly & asks Gods blessings
M. Vs 14 – The source of All temptation is man himself
1. external forces may confront us, but they have NO force unless there was something inside  you that would correspond to that temptation, therefore, allowing self to fall prey to that evil
2. Example: If there was NO appetite for food – no desire for it or
even No capacity to receive food, then setting food in front of you would not be a source for your temptation.
N.  Vs 15 – “lust” = a longing / desire for what is forbidden
“when lust hath conceived” = the cause of sin is described as that of a birth;
The sinful desire is the conception;
The sinful deed is the birth
“death” = moral and eternal, the final result.
The sin may be small in its beginnings but when indulged, it grows to be great and multiplies out of proportion.
O. Vs 16 – “Do not err …” = roam from safety, truth or virtue
Do not go astray or wander or be out of the way.
SIN: Romans 7:7-14 – II Corinthians 4:4  Romans 1:27
Ephesians 4:14

Context of Vs 16 – go back to verses 13-17.  Some believed that
God was the author of sin.
God is the author of goodness and holiness & not evil; this is shown in the next verse.
P.  Vs 17 – “Every good gift” = the goodness of God – God gives GOOD gifts Father of lights:  God is light & the creation of the light of this material world & source of all moral light.
No variableness:  God is unchangeable, always the same.
Variableness:  Fickleness
Shadow of turning: A metaphor.  The sun, in its light, “casts
shadows” as the earth turns.
The earth constantly turns & shadows “move” and change.
God is not like that, He NEVER changes.
God does not “cast shadows” or shadows of doubt.
Q. Vs 18 – God “begat” –  We were born again by God with the Word of  Truth = Jesus Christ:  John 1:1   John 14:6
“firstfruits” –  God’s regenerated souls = early converts to Christianity

R. Vs 19 –  Swift to hear = Talk little and work much, is an old rabbinical adage. The righteous speak little, and do much; the wicked speak much, and do nothing.

Two ears are given to us, the rabbis observe, but only one tongue: the ears are open and exposed, whereas the tongue is walled in behind the teeth.

Primarily = listen to Gods instructions of Truth.   Proverbs 15:2

Slow to wrath = The particular point here is, however, not that we should be slow to wrath as a general habit of mind, which is indeed most true, but in reference particularly to the reception of the truth: Context, vs 18.

Don’t have heated debates over God’s word, but rather investigate it and search the Scriptures.

S.  Vs 20 – The meaning of this passage is not that our wrath will make God either more or less righteous; but that wrath usually does not produce that upright course of life, and love of truth, which God requires.

There is such a thing as righteous indignation, but one is not necessarily promoting the cause of God by his own personal anger.

T.  Vs 21 – “Wherefore” = because of what the Lord has done for us (as in the above verses), “lay apart” = put away, cast off “filthiness” = disgusting, offensive, loathsome, “superfluity of naughtiness” = abounding of evil, depravity, wickedness, trouble.

“receive … engrafted word …” engrafted = implanted.

“meekness” = mildness, humility, have an attitude of learning.  We should allow the principles of the Gospel to be engrafted on our nature.

James was writing to saved Jews in his church. They were Israelites and the Gospel was “engrafted” on “good stock” and that’s what saved their souls.

Remember, God originally gave the Gospel to the Jews and His perfect plan was for them to take the Gospel around the world.

U. Vs 22 – “doer” = performer – Romans 2:13; Luke 6:46 & Luke 11:28

Obey / do what the Word of God says, just listen to it.

If we hear the Word of God and do not do what it tells us to do, then we have just deceived our own selves.

V. Vs 23, 24 – A metaphor – you look in the mirror and see just who you are and how you look.

Like a man who looks in the glass and soon forgets the impression, so the impression of the word on such a man is soon forgotten. The word must be impressed by the doing of it.

The doctrines of God, faithfully preached, are such a mirror;

The one who hears the Word, cannot help discovering his own character, and being affected with his own short comings; he is sorry for them, and plans to change; but when the preaching is over, the mirror is removed, and not being careful to examine himself – James 1:25 he soon forgets what manner of man he was;   Then he reasons himself out of the need of repentance and a changed life in Christ, and thus deceives his own soul.

W. Vs 25 – There is a blessing of God to the Christian who sees, reads, hears God Word and does what it says = lives it.

X. Vs 26 – religious = external service or the exercise of religion

“bridleth not his tongue” = context is referring to the Word of God = Vs 22.  This is the one who doesn’t speak according to the Word of God.

They lack Scriptural knowledge.

REMEMBER … James pastors the church at Jerusalem; it’s made up of a lot of converted Jews – Vs 1.

They were used to the ceremonial Law.

The Gospel deals with the heart and what it produces outwardly: again, Vs 22.

Vs 22 7 25 l3qd into Vs 26 = don’t just know what the Word of God says, but exercise it outwardly in your

daily life.

Y. Vs 27 – Visit = go to see; inspect; relieve.

This is outward charity to our neighbors, especially to those who need help.

James 2:17-20 deals with: what’s in our heart will reflect our works = outward service for the Lord

“unspotted from the world” = charity, which is a good testimony.

“unspotted”,  many Bible scholars have written; “is the hardest to execute.”

“unspotted from the world” = keep oneself unchecked from the dirt and slime of the world.”

As we go out and do our good deeds in the community, keep yourself from the filth and dirt of sin that abounds.  We are in this world but we are not to be a part of this world.