Discerning The will Of God
October 30, 2023, 2:18 pm
Filed under: Bible, Blessings, Blogroll, Christian, Christianity, faith, Family, God, Gospel Of John, Life, Trials

John 7:14-17

Introduction: (background: read john 7:1-9 then 14-17).

I believe every true Christian wants to know God’s will for them. Today, I will share with you, briefly, a few things, from God’s Word that may be a help to you.

Remember, God will not hide His will for you.

I.  John 7:17: God Never Leads Contrary To His Word = The Bible

    A. His Will = Choice, purpose, desire, pleasure

         1. Psalms 119:105 (Word a lamp, light)

             a.  Not only does the Word of God inform us of His will, but, as a light on a

path in darkness, it shows us how to follow the right and avoid the wrong


             b.  The lamp is fed with the oil of the Spirit.

             c.  We walk, in our daily lives, through our part of this world.

             d. We often go out into its darkness = come into contact with the sinfulness,

temptations, & wickedness of society.

             e. Make sure you never venture there without the light giving Word, it will

keep us from slipping with our feet

         2. Romans 15:20-21 & 32

              a. After all that Paul’s desired and all of their prayers, it still depended on the

will of God

              b. Paul was willing to submit to God’s will = whatever God desired.

     B. Doing God’s will is doing what God wants us to do

II. God’s Will Is Found In Prayer

     A. Luke 6:12-13

          1. Jesus spent hours in prayer before making a decision

          2. How much time do you spend in prayer before making

              a decision that will affect your life?

              Your future?  Your family?

      B. Luke 11:1: Jesus taught us to pray for God’s will to be done.

III. God’s Will Is Found Through The Holy Spirit: John 14:16-17 – John 16:7

      A.  The Holy Spirit will guide us, IF you are willing to listen and to obey.

            1. He is Spirit of Truth: John 17:17; God’s Word is Truth

                He will never lead us into error or false hood

            2. John 14:26 – He will teach us

            3. John 14:26 – He will remind us

IV.  God’s Will Can Be Shown To You Through Your Conscience: I Corinthians 8:8-13

        A.  If it violates your conscience – DON’T do it

        B.  Being out of God’s will, will affect others – vs 12

              1. “wound” = it will hurt them

              2. Vs 11 – “perish” = it will “mar” or destroy them. Why? Because they are

young Christians,

                  They are spiritually weak. They can easily be affected by watching other


V.  God’s Will Can Be Shown To You Through Godly Council – Proverbs 24:6

      A. God’s will is not for consideration – BUT for obedience

      B. God can use Godly men to show you God’s will = your pastor

      C. God can use your Godly wife to help you and show you God’s will

Conclusion: There  are many things, in God’s Word, that God has revealed to us that are His will.

II Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

God’s will is for folks to receive God’s Gift of Salvation

God’s will is for Christians to live for the Lord – to obey Him in all things.

Are you obeying God is ALL things?

Are you 100% sure of Heaven?

Woman at the Well
October 28, 2023, 3:56 pm
Filed under: Bible, Blogroll, Christian, Christianity, faith, God, Gospel Of John, Jesus, Life, Trials

John 8:1-11

Note: Vs 6: tempting Christ; looking for something to accuse Him of.

Vs 6: Wrote on the ground: What?

Vs 8: What, did He write?

Whatever it was, Vs 9: they were convicted of their sin.

Vs 7: Only those who had not committed the same kind or similar kind of sin.

Four questions on this passage:

1. “Where was the man?”

Lev. 20:10 “And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.”

De 22:22 If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.

John 8:4: takes two

2. What did Jesus write on the ground?

A. Maybe He wrote the 1st Q? I asked?

B. Perhaps He wrote the man or men’s names?

C. Perhaps they were not a part of this crime, but wrote their inward thoughts / sins.

    a. Vs 6: they were tempting Jesus

    b. Vs 6: They wanted to accuse Him of this sinful act

    c. Vs 4: Again, where was the male perpetrator?

    d. They showed no compassion for this woman.

   Vs 4: “Taken” = Gr. = seize, possess, apprehend, attain, come upon she was raped.

    e. Vs 7: These men were guilty of some sins.

        James 2:10-11 “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of


        11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery,

yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

Q 3. Where was the concern for their own spiritual lives?

A. a preacher once said: “If I could flash on a screen before us right now, all of your thoughts of this past week, you would have to leave town.” II. Corinthians 7:1 “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”

    a. It’s possible to curb the natural appetites of the body outwardly and yet be filled with all manner of   inward defilement.

    b. Your thoughts determine your character: Prov. 23:7 “For

        as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he

        to thee; but his heart is not with thee.”

    c. Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

NOTE: Vs 6 & 8: Jesus wrote on the ground. In the Temple, where the Scriptures were taught, the ground was stone.

Therefore, those men’s sins were etched in stone for all to see, he exposed them for what they were.

B. Scribes & Pharisees of John 8, were most likely, outwardly pure, but if they neglected their inner thoughts, then envy, pride, becoming critical & unforgiving would control them.

C. EXAMPLE: Luke 15:25 The parodical son’s brother is a classic example of this.

     a. Vs 29: he had an exemplary outward life.

     b. Vs 28-30: His inward life was defiled.

     d. He had envy, self-righteousness, unforgiveness, anger, sinful pride.

D. Luke 18:11-12: Pharisee & Publican

     a. Pharisee had good outward deeds

     b. Vs 11: “I’m not like other men.” = Inner defilement; sin.

     c. He saw the faults of others but not his own faults.

     d. This is the same as in our text today.

     e. many people today, think they are O.K. because they see

         people worse than themselves.

     f. They see themselves as “better” than others = spiritual blindness.

Q 4? “What happened to the woman?

A. Vs 10-11: She didn’t gloat in her accuser’s retreat.

B. She was not condemned, nor acquitted. In effect, she was forgiven.

     1. Christ didn’t condone her sin, He showed grace.

     2. Vs 4, a word of instruction: “Go & sin no more.”

     3. John 3:17: Jesus did not come to condemn (read).

         He came to forgive & save Luke 19:10.

     4. Vs 11: “Go and sin no more.”

This expression implies forgiveness on the part of Jesus

In other words, don’t keep living in the sin God saved you out of.

Luke 9:56: For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.

Conclusion: sad to say, there are Christians in this world like the Pharisees of John 8. They condemn the unsaved rather than pointing them to Christ.

How to Follow Jesus

Matthew 16:21-28

Vs 24: “Follow” = to be like, to imitate

Today, I want to share with you, 4 basic principles for us to help us to “Follow Jesus.”

I.  Say NO to self

    A. Matthew 16;24 = deny self = to utterly disown.

    B. To DENY is summed up, I believe, in Matthew 6:33

         1. Do God’s Will, God’s way

         2. Put Him 1st in your life

         3. Love Him with all your heart, mind & soul

         4. Put the work of the Lord above your own self-interest.

II. Take up your CROSS

     A. This is figuratively used as to mean: self-denial

          1. The Cross was a place to die on

          2. Basically, Jesus is saying: “If anyone desires to come 

              after me, let him forget self, lose sight of your own interest

          3. Take the same road with Jesus & travel with Him.

      B. Die every day: I Cor. 15:31

           1. Galatians 2:20: Crucified with Christ/ yet I am living in

              this fleshly body

           2. Not I, but Christ liveth in me = Christ in me, the hope

               of glory. Gal. 6:14 (read & explain)

III. Follow Him: Matt. 16:24

      A. Luke 22:54

          1. Not as Peter followed Jesus here = afar off.

          2. Following “afar off” leads to a denial of Jesus & not of self

          3. Vs 57 – 60: 3 X’s denial of knowing Jesus

          4. Deny means to disown

          5. We can deny Jesus by what we do or don’t do; by what

              we say or don’t say; by where we go or don’t go, etc.

      B. Peter learned from his failures and so can we 

           1. Luke 22:62: “Wept bitterly” -Greek = wailed out loud/also, Peter repented

           2. I Peter 2:21-22 (follow His steps)

       C. A true disciple follows Jesus in duty = more than JUST

             saying you believe, but putting your heart & soul into it

IV. Put the highest value upon your soul

      A. Matt. 16:26: what’s more important or more valuable

           than your own soul?

           1. Is your soul worth clinging to sinful pride? Religion?

               $ or anything else?

           2. What would keep you from following Jesus?

       B. Make sure of your salvation today

            1. Don’t guess

            2. Don’t gamble

            3. But be sure you are saved and then follow Jesus

                His way = the best way, the sure way.

What is a Godly life, and how is it achieved
April 22, 2018, 11:35 pm
Filed under: Blogroll, Christian, Christianity, Church, faith, Family, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Life, Prayer, Trials, Uncategorized

Titus 2:12
INTRO: These are important questions because as believers, we are called to live sanctified lives that are fully surrendered to Christ.
We know it’s God’s will for us to live Godly & He’s working in our lives to help us to live Godly. But, we also have a responsibility in this. What we habitually do has tremendous influence on whether we will have a Godly life.
There are seven habits that will help us in our pursuit of Godly living. A habit is a recurring pattern of behavior; it comes through frequent repetition & it’s often subconscious.
A Godly life is one that’s no longer seeking satisfaction through a sinful lifestyle but it’s now surrendered to God and His will.
The Six Habits of a Godly Life
1. A Life of Prayer. We learn this example from Jesus.
The disciples and the crowds did not understand why Jesus withdrew when there was so much good He could do. Jesus knew that prayer was an important priority of His life:
Mark 1:35
Prayer that promotes godliness is not merely occasional prayers offered in times of trouble or need; they are a daily conversation with the Father that comes from our love for Him and gratitude for who He is and what He does. It’s not a duty but a delightful time.
Jesus’ disciples saw that His prayers were very different from the ritualistic prayers that were so common in that day.
They saw & heard how He spoke so personally with His heavenly Father. This prompted them to ask Him to teach them how to pray: Luke 11:1.
Because we live in a world filled with temptations, trials, heartaches, burdens, and sin: an intimate prayer life should be a priority because it keeps us connected to almighty God and makes us sensitive to His will.
Whatever we do will be accomplished on our knees as we submit to the Lord, give Him our time, and listen for His instruction.
2. Faith. Psalm 103:19: God controls everything, not only what happens but why and how it happens as well. His sovereignty is our firm foundation for believing and trusting Him.
Proverbs 3:5-6
The only other option to faith is worry. A Godly life is one that steps beyond worry and into trust. Each time a situation causes us to fret, we should stop and remember who’s in charge. If God’s sovereignty rules over all, we have no reason to worry. The evidence of our faith is the absence of worry.
Trust in the Lord also builds a closeness with Him. As we talk and listen to God and respond in obedience, He guides us, and we develop closeness with Him both in our heart and in our thinking.
3. Obedience. Moses told the nation of Israel: Deut. 28:1.
In a similar way, we walk on a higher level than the world when we live in obedience to God. It’s not a matter of looking down on others but choosing to live by God’s standards rather than following the world’s lifestyle.
4. Dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Every believer in Jesus is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but the apostle Paul also tells us to “be filled with the Spirit” Eph. 5:18. The Greek verb signifies that this is a continuous action of filling. It means to live in obedience to Him, relying on Him to equip, empower, strengthen, teach, and guide us each day.
Only as we depend on the Spirit will we be and do what God desires.
5. Giving to God and others. We have a promise in Luke 6:38:
We can never out give God. But by not giving, we are claiming that we really don’t need Him & we can manage on our own.
Only God can predict and provide for our future needs.

6. Forgiving other people. Forgiveness may not be easy, but it’s what the Lord commands (Eph. 4:32).
Even if someone betrays us, we must forgive and trust God to take care of the situation.
What changes would you have to make to cultivate these six Godly habits?
Which areas are the most challenging for you?
What obstacles will you need to overcome?

The Kind Of People God Is Looking For
April 22, 2018, 11:22 pm
Filed under: Bible, Blessings, Blogroll, Christian, Christianity, Church, faith, Family, God, Jesus

Acts 27: Example, Apostle Paul

I. They Think Prayerfully
A. Vs 9: sailing was dangerous
1. Vs 10: much damage & hurt ahead: lives at steak
2. Vs 14: tempestuous wind =    hurricane like conditions
3. Vs 18: tossed with a tempest
B. Paul saw the storm coming
C. A storm doesn’t last forever
1. Life has its storms; they can get us doubting; afraid;
and sometimes wondering “where is God?”
2. I believe Paul went into this storm prayerfully.
That’s the way we, too, should approach life’s storms .
Whether a storm of bad weather or a storm / a crisis in our lives
D. Notice vs 11: the centurion would not believe the man of God, Paul
1. Sometimes, in haste, people disregard the council of God’s
2. They go around and tell their problems to many folks and
then settle on the advice from someone who has told them
what they wanted to hear.                                                              II. They Have A Childlike Faith
A. Vs 21- 25 (read)
B. Mark 10:14 – this is a simple faith that does not doubt.
1. Faith to believe what the Bible says
2. Faith to act upon what the Bible says
3. Whether it is faith to be saved or faith to live our daily lives for Him
III. They Have Optimism Based On The Word Of God
A. Yes, there is a hell; but, yes, there is also salvation to take us to heaven
B. There is a negative and a positive
C. Vs 22: (be of good cheer)
1. In the midst of life’s storms, you can have that same little childlike faith to believe in the Word of God.
2. You can be of good cheer because of no loss: vs 22
a. Here, no loss of life: we can thank God for His hand of protection on our lives
b. Also, no loss of eternal life.
God saves and He keeps us saved
D. They have mastered their own lives: Proverbs 16:32
(he that ruleth his spirit)
1. Life is a give and take relationship; things don’t always go
your way
2. They take life’s storms (problems) as they arise; they don’t fall apart during the storm
3. Be realistic about the future: no pie in the sky stuff
4. Paul had a grip on himself and he had self-respect.

Conclusion: The way to keep your head in a crises is to be close to the Bible; close to God. Faith in God and in His Word. Don’t follow after every newfangled thing that comes along in the world of religion. Be saved and know it for sure. Stick to the basics of God’s Word and have that childlike faith – it will get you through life a lot better.

Old Testament Survey: The Book of Malachi

The Book Of Malachi 

Intro: This is the last call of the Old Testament before the voice of prophecy dies into a silence of 400 years.  The last spokesman utters his soul and retires behind the mystery curtains of the past.

The meaning and the message: This Book is an appeal – powerful and passionate … pleading for God’s people to repent of sin and turn to God … chapter 1:1-2 – vs 6-11

The key thought of Malachi: Malachi 2:17

I. An appeal in viewing their present sin: chap. 1-2

   A.  God speaks; the priests are appealed to: 1:6 – 2:9

         1. 1:8: they offered what they didn’t want, to the Lord

         2. 1:14: what they offered to the Lord was corrupt

   B. Malachi speaks (message from the Lord) 2:10-17

        1. They wearied the Lord: 2:17

        2. They said the evil was good: 2:17

II. An appeal in viewing the Coming Day: chap. 3-4

     A. God will judge the guilty on that Day    

          1. God will send His messenger to prepare the way – 3:1

          2. John the Baptist was that messenger

          3. The Day of His coming:- 3:2

          4. This is the 1st coming of Christ

          5. The religious leaders and people had sank to a new low of formalism and being

              nonchalant about the things of God; they  were living in hypocrisy.

          6. God will judge: 3:4-5

          7. God changes not; He is always the same: 3:6

          8.  Tithing is taught: 3:8-11. Note: vs 11: I Corinthians 16:1-2

     B. God will bless the Godly in that Day

          1. Vs 14: the ungodly find it vain to serve God

          2. Vs 16-17:  the Godly belong to God

          3. God will send Elijah: 4:5

          4. The appeal: 4:4-6

Malachi ends the Old Testament with a final promise of the coming of Christ; then we  have

400 years of silence.

Next, the New Testament opens in the fulfillment of the prophecy with the first coming of Christ, with John the Baptist paving the way.

Old Testament Survey: the Book of Zechariah

The Book Of Zechariah 

Introduction: Like Haggai, Zechariah was a prophet to the Jewish remnant that returned after the 70 year exile.  Much of Zechariah is to be interpreted in light of related prophecy.  This Book is surpassed in prophecies of Christ only by the Book of Isaiah.

The man and the Book: The name Zechariah means: remembered of the Lord.

His work began approximately 2 months after Haggai’s and their works parallel each other. Most of this Book is made up of eight (8) visions encouraging the rebuilding of the Temple and four (4) visions of the Messianic Kingdom.

Eight Visions


I.   The Rider On The Red Horse – Chap. 1

     A.  Vs 8: Myrtle Trees =  an emblem of peace; intimating that  all war  was to end shortly

     B.  Vs 8: The Man = Vs 9 “oh my lord”  “And the angel that talked with me …”

           Vs 11-12: the angel of the Lord. … This man is the pre-incarnate Christ, the second

           person of the Trinity.

     C.  Vs 8: riding = implies swiftness in executing God’s will in His providence; hastening to

           help His people.

     D. Vs 8: “in the bottom …” = in a low place or by the river bottom, as in “bottom land”.

          The Euphrates and Tigris River in Babylon, was the scene of Judah’s captivity.       

     E. Red Horse = this implies bloodshed – this implies the vengeance that will come upon the

          enemies of Israel.

     F. Vs 8: red horses “speckled and white” = the white implies victory and triumph for Judah

         Speckled = from a Hebrew word meaning “to intertwine” the red was mixed with the white

         which shows the  wrath (red)  about to come upon  Judah’s  enemies and “triumph” (white)

         for Judah.

     G. Vs 16: prophecy of the Lord’s return and the Temple to be rebuilt

II.  The Four Horns –  Four Carpenters – chap. 1:18- 21

      A. Vs 18:  Horns are symbols of power

           1. Four horns = the four (4) powers that had oppressed the Jews: Babylon, Persia,

               Chaldea, and Egypt.

           2. The head of each power is their king; so a horn  also represents the king of each nation

      B. Vs 20-21: carpenters = craftsman or an engraver. They work in brass and iron as well as

           working in wood.

           1. These are four other powers who would defeat  the powers represented by the four


           2. Vs 21: “these  are come to fray …”  the carpenters will “fray” or beat down, to destroy,

               the horns.

NOTES: God will always find men to do his work – there were horns to be cut off. Here are the carpenters or artificers; God will always find the right sort of men. God choose men of ability to empower them to do His will and to defeat the enemy..

God will always find enough men to do His work and His will. There were four horns, so are there four smiths to beat them to pieces.  Empires which have opposed the Lord have been crushed to powder, it always be so. No power can stand against the Lord of Hosts.    

III. The Man With The Measuring Line – Chap. 2

      A. The City of Jerusalem shall be (future tense) restored and made bigger or enlarged: 2:2-5

      B. Those Jews exiled will return to the Land: 2:6-7

      C. Jehovah God will protect His people and He will make their enemies a “spoil:” 2:8-9

      D. Many nations will be converted or joined to the Lord: 2:10-13

      E. Man with a measuring line: 2:1

          1.  He is also represented in Ezekiel 40:3 

          2.  He is found in Revelation 21:15 & Ezekiel 41:1-26

          3. There are several other Scriptures which represent this … The Man is none other than

              God Himself. The Jews are, here, encouraged to go forward with the building of the

              Temple and they are also encouraged for future restoration.

V. Visions Four Through Eight

      A. Four: Joshua, the High Priest and satan- chap. 3

           1. This pictures the removing of iniquity and the future glory of Israel

           2. When we stand before God, to serve Him, or stand up for God, we must expect to

               meet all the resistance satan’s subtlety and malice can give to us

           3. Vs 3: filthy garments = their removal is symbolic of the removing of iniquity from

              Joshua … representing his people.

      B. Five: The golden candlestick and the  two olive trees -chap. 4

           1. Vs 2: candlestick is light = Israel was to send forth the light of the Gospel;

               the Temple was to be rebuilt – vs 9 – so that the Word of God  could be sent forth as a

               light shining in a world full of the darkness of sin.

           2. Vs 11-14: reference to Revelation 11:3-4

      C. Six: The Flying roll; 5:1-4

           1. This represents the Word of God that judges

           2. Vs 2: 30’ X 14’

           3. Vs 4: The Word of God goes against sin and wickedness

      D. Seven: the “epah” vs 6, was the old time Jewish symbol for trade and the woman,

           1. Vs 7: the two women, vs 9; represent Babylonian corruption which leavened the

               commerce of the remnant that had returned. The two women, more specifically, are

               sent to carry away the corrupt woman.

           2. Vs 9: Stork = an unclean bird

      E. Eight: The Four War Chariots; chap. 6:1-8

          1. The judgment of the Lord upon the nations

          2. Vs 9-15: Joshua is crowned as a type of Christ … the immediate meaning of  that is

              simply: Jehovah God, as He sends forth His chariot judgment on the Gentile powers that

              surrounded Israel, has returned with mercies and gracious promises to His remaining


          3. Vs 1: four chariots represent swift coming, Divine judgment

          4. Four angels driving the chariots are  … vs 5, the four spirits of the heavens.

NOTES: The underlying idea that runs throughout this prophecy is summed up in chapter 1:14-16. This Book takes us to the immediate need of God’s people to the ultimate fulfillment at Christ’s second Coming. We also can realize why these passages are relating to the future is that when the Messiah came and offered Himself to His people, Israel, they rejected Him and crucified Him.

V.   The Law And The Restoration And Enlargement Of Israel: chap. 7-8

       A. To obey is better than fasting: chap. 7:1-7

       B. Their past misery was because of their disobedience: 7:8-14

       C. The people need restoration: chap. 8

VI.  The Four Visions Of The Messianic Kingdom: chaps. 9-14

        A. The Messianic King: chap. 9-10

        B. The rejected Shepherd: chap. 11

        C. The restored and penitent people: chaps. 12-13

        D. Summarized events when Christ returns in glory: chap. 14

Old Testament Survey: Book of Haggai

The Book Of Haggai

Introduction: Haggai was relatively unknown but he voiced God’s message to the leaders of the Jews who had returned after 70 years of captivity.  

 Haggai writes to:

1. Rebuke and to instruct the remnant of the Jews: they were divided.

2. To admonish and to encourage the builders of God’s House.

The man and the Book: Haggai was born in Babylon and he returned to the Land. This was done due to the decree of Cyrus under Zerubbabel.

This Book covers a period of about 4 months, in the year of 520 B.C.  It takes place 16 years after the return of the first group who came back to the Land.

Haggai writes regarding their problem: 14 years of inactivity. The Temple should have been rebuilt but the people didn’t build it.

The people were in apathy and that is why they basically sat there doing nothing in the Lord’s work for those 14 years.

Central message: Chapter 1:7-8 

Haggai’s Four Fold Message

 I.   The Appeal To Rebuild The Temple: Chap. 1

      A. Build The House

           1. Vs 2:  “the  people say”

           2. Vs 3-4: God’s Word says …..

                a. God’s Word came to Haggai, God’s man

                b. God was leading Haggai to rebuke and to encourage – His House needed to be built

      B. Vs 5 – “…Consider your ways:” their thinking; attitudes; direction; needed to change

           1.  Vs 6: God was not blessing them in any labor of their hands, unless they rebuild His

                Temple and restore His worship

                a. God will not bless our labors when we fail to follow His Word.

                b. They thought they could escape poverty by keeping their money and not give it to

                    God’s House; there was not enough to rebuild God’s House because of that

                    Proverbs 13:7 and 11:24

                    Instead of cheating God; they cheated themselves

                c. Sown: but crop failures … bring in little = not enough food to eat

                d. Not filled with drink: nothing satisfied them

                e. Because of crop failures, there was not enough money to buy clothing

                f. Their wages went into a bag full of holes: figurative. No matter how much they

                    made … there was never enough to go around.

           2. Vs 7: Consider your ways. Is it right to build a nice house and neglect God’s house

                consider whether  your lack is due to God’s punishment due to your lack of giving

                God what is really His

 II. A Message Of Support: Chap 2

     A. Vs 4: “… I am  with you …”  – Hebrews 13:5

     B. “Be strong …”  don’t let this discourage you       

     C. Vs 6-7: God is in control

          1. Vs 6: God will shake the heavens etc.

          2. Vs 7: God will shake all nations

          3. Vs 8: poverty should not hinder them …. all things come from God. Depend on Him for

              their financial needs

 III. A Message To Confirm: Chap. 2

      A. Vs 19: “from this day will I bless you.”

      B. The seed has been planted 

           1. Harvest is months away

           2. Harvest of the fruit trees is also a while off

           3. In the past, they have had crop failures

           4. God’s Word says: trust in the Lord and not in nature

           5. Their obedience will bring the blessing of God

IV.  A Message To Assure: Chap. 2

       A. Vs 23: “I will take thee”  “I will make thee  as”  “ I have chosen thee”

            1. I will take thee: God’s leading and protection

            2. I will make thee as a signet:  a  signature ring used as a seal. God will make them

                very precious. He will exalt Zerubbabel to high dignity and power. He shall be


            3. I have chosen thee: “chosen” here, means appointed. God had a work for him to do.

                God had a plan for Zerubbabel and He has a plan for you.

       B. God’s Word gives assurance

            1. Acts 17:31

            2. Colossians 2:2

Conclusion: Matthew 6:33 is a great rule in God’s Word to follow. When we “consider our ways” and turn back to God, obey His Word in ALL things … He will bless.

Old Testament Survey: The Book Of Habakkuk

The Book Of Habakkuk

The Human Writer: Habakkuk prophesied during the later years of King Josiah. He also lived during the time of Jeremiah. The name Habakkuk means: “embracing.”

Habakkuk speaks to God concerning Habakkuk’s concerns about God’s working among the nations. Habakkuk 1:4; 1:13 = why do the wicked prosper?

 The Central Message of the book: Chapter 2:4b “… but the just shall live by his faith.”

 Background: The Assyrian Empire had fallen as Nahum had prophesied: Egypt and Babylon were trying to dominate the world. The Babylonians and Chaldeans were united together under King Nebuchadnezzar and would conquer Judah.

Habakkuk could not understand why a nation like Babylon, with all its wickedness, could conquer a nation like Judah. After all, Judah’s sins were not as bad as Babylon’s sins.

This seemed like evil was wining out over good. So, God shows Habakkuk His plan.

Brief outline of this Book

  1. The Burden Chap.   1                                                                                                                                            The apparent triumph
  2. The Vision Chapter 2

Coming punishment of the Chaldeans

III.   The Prayer – Chap. 3

Confidence that God is coming

  1. The Burden
  2. Chap. 1:1: he saw
  3. Vs 2: he cried
  4. Vs 2: he did not believe that God heard his cry of prayer
  5. Vs 2: why does not God save?
  6. He wonders why the wicked prosper?
  7. The Chaldeans are bitter and nasty: Vs 6 – 7
  8. Vs 9: they come for violence.
  9. The Vision
  10. Chap. 2:4: “… the just shall live by his faith.”

           This verse is quoted 3 X’s in the New Testament

  1. Chap. 2:14: The earth filled with God’s glory
  2. Chap. 2:20: The Lord … in His Holy Temple: Psalm 11:4

 III. The Prayer

  1. Chap. 3:2: Revive Thy work
  2. We find Habakkuk praising God, who will always work things out for His glory and

           honor. Our part, take time to talk to Him in prayer; study His Word; wait patiently

           for Him.

 Five Woe’s In The Book Of Habakkuk

  1. A Woe against aggression: 2:5-8.

    This speaks of the doom, some think, of Nebuchadnezzar, who was principally active in the

     destruction of Jerusalem

  1. A Woe against covetousness 2:8-11
  2. A Woe against violence: 2:12-14. Vs 14 is from Isaiah 11:9.

    Vs 13, all the Babylonian cities will be burnt down: Jeremiah 51:58.

    God defeats the enemy and in vs 14, the Word of God is spread.

  1. A Woe against drinking and inhumanity: 2:15-17.

    A Twofold teaching here:

  1. The king of Babylon was drunken with covetousness and cruelty. He provoked others to

        do the same, and inflamed them by his madness, and so in the end brought them to shame.

  1. Drinking alcohol can produce drunkenness.

        Drunkenness produces stupid actions: Proverbs 23:29-33.

        Vs 30: “mixed wine” = mixing wine with other ingredients to make it stronger.

        It usually takes 3-7 days to ferment

        Vs 31: “red’ = fermented.

  1. A Woe against idolatry: 2:18-20

Basic lesson from this Book: We can rejoice and we should rejoice in spite of our unpleasant circumstances. Give your burdens to the Lord and wait on Him for a solution to your problems.

Realize, what we consider as our “problems” are really an opportunity for God to show His power in our lives.

It would be good for you to read Chapter 4 of the book of Philippians as a help to this.

God can take what we consider “problems” and use it for His honor, glory and His good.

I Peter 5:7: “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.”

Old Testament Survey Book of Nahum

The Book Of Nahum 

Human Writer: Nahum – his name means – “Consolation” or “Comfort.”

He lived during the times of Zephaniah, Habakkuk and Jeremiah. Nahum prophesied during the  time  when Hezekiah was king.

Message or theme: The destruction of the City of Nineveh. The Book of Nahum was written about 150 years after the great revival in Nineveh.

Nineveh was destroyed about 100 years later – just as predicted by the Prophet Nahum.

The City: Probably not the largest city during the time of Nahum..  The people had repented under the preaching of Jonah – But …. they went back into their old sins.

That is why God sent Nahum to preach to them final judgment.

The Assyrians were a worldly and sensual people as well as arrogant. Their empire was built by use of violence and brutality. Note: Nahum 3:1-3

Basic Lesson For Us: God is very well aware of the oppression that Christians suffer and He will repay the wicked for oppression of His people.  Romans 12:19-21

 Outline Of This Book

I. The Doom Of Nineveh – chap. 1

II. Siege And Fall Of Nineveh – chap 2

III. The Cause Of Nineveh’s Ruin – Sin – chap. 3

 I.   The Doom Described

     A. Chapter 1:2-3: The whirlwind and the storm

     B. Chapter 1:6-8: Fire – rocks – overrunning flood – darkness

 II.  The  Siege And Fall Of The City

      A. Vs 2: The emptiers, brought them from their land into captivity

      B. Vs 2: Marred their vine branches: destroyed all the fruit of their land

      C. Vs 3-4: A fierce battle will rage

           1. Made  red: the ancients dyed their bull’s-hide shields red, partly to strike terror into

               the enemy, chiefly lest the blood from wounds which they might receive should be

               perceived and give confidence to the foe

           2. Vs 4: chariots … with flaming torches; that is, the chariots shall be like flaming

                torches,  their wheels in lightning-like rapidity of rotation flashing light and striking

                sparks from the stones over which they pass  (pt 1 & 2  quote from Jamieson – Fausset


 III. The Cause Of Nineveh’s  Ruin  

      A. The sins of that great city are

            1. Murder  3:1

            2. Whoredom and witchcraft: 3:4

            3. Wickedness: 3:19

       B. God’s judgment: Vs 5

           1. He will expose their sin

           2. It was an ancient custom to strip prostitutes naked, or throw their clothes over their

               heads and expose them to public view

           3. Nineveh will be stripped of her glory and defenses: the things that the city had pride in

      C. Nineveh’s future: 3:19

          1. No healing of thy bruise = the city will never be rebuilt

          2. Shall clap the hands = rejoice in your down fall

          3. bruit of thee = the report of what’s happened to Nineveh 

For  hundreds of years, most scholars thought that the City of  Nineveh was a myth. In 1845, the ruins of Nineveh were      found. The mounds across from the Tigris river from Mosul was confirmed to be the ruins of Nineveh.

This Book also teaches that: Even though the ungodly will prosper for a time – God’s judgment will come and God will deliver His people.